JOSEPHINE - digitalisation of public procurement

JOSEPHINE is a solution for the digitalisation of public procurement that fulfils the requirements of European legislation. It offers simple and intuitive preparation and implementation for the input and evaluation of public tenders. It enables traceability of all information and tender documents, complete export of tenders and includes time sequence reports.

Available in Czech, Slovak, Polish and English languages.

More information aboout the JOSEPHINE solution



We offer a two-month trial period under the BluePilot scheme, where the only fee required is for training costs.


The design of JOSEPHINE enables adaption to the greatest possible extent to the specific internal processes and special documents of the procurer. JOSEPHINE can be connected with the PROEBIZ SYSTEM.


Annual or longer authorisation („lease“) for using the features of the software application by remote access.

User Support

Hotline and helpdesk is standard in the price of the product and extended services are available through the professional Assistance Programme in which we provide or arrange specialists to resolve any issues.

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