„MARQUET is a managed, coordinated in-house e-shop.“
MARQUET is fundamentally a list consisting of items taken from the winning bids of tenders organised by the operator. Selected employees can make orders from this list in accordance with their rights. They do this by filling a basket in the same way as in a normal eShop. The rights of each selected employee can be limited by budget, category choice, duration and supervisory approval.
MARQUET is an internal marketplace for both contracting authorities and companies. It is designed for managing, automating and simplifying repeat purchases, as well as making savings. Its use results in savings in financial resources, staffing and a lot of time.
MARQUET is suitable for simplifying a wide range of repeat purchases such as fasteners, cleaning and hygiene supplies, office supplies, lubricants, protective equipment, medical supplies, information technology, office equipment, furniture and more.
Winning items from tenders, eAuctions and inquiries, as well as direct purchases, are sent to MARQUET’s “garage”, where an administrator checks the completeness of the data, and then puts the items in the relevant catalogue category and selects the moment of publication. If the virtual stock of any item in MARQUET falls below a set limit, the system informs the catalogue administrator.
The requirement (pre-order) of an employee for a specific product and its quantity, summarized according to the contents of the “basket”, is passed on to the client's economic instrument and here it is transformed into a classic order. According to the contractually agreed rules with the supplier, orders can only be sent after the required quantity has been accumulated. MARQUET can also send orders directly to the supplier. Another setting allows the sending of orders directly from MARQUET.
The opening of MARQUET for internal procurement is preceded by an implementation process which will enable the preparation of the solution tailored precisely to the organisation's. Products can be categorized and shared with experience of their selection. Permissions for individual employees can be set with regard to the organizational structure of the company.
The economic impact of moving part of competitive procurement into an internal procurement catalogue while facilitating the management of requirements to subordinate economic operators is extraordinary. At the beginning there is usually a feeling of restraint, but after the first days it becomes one of relief and satisfaction. It provides a detailed overview of the quantity and prices of purchased commodities across all directly managed organizations, and online generation of reporting.
MARQUET is user-friendly and easy to work with. This is an integral feature of all PROEBIZ solutions and this is definitely no exception: no unnecessary clicking and no great complexity. The solution is built so that anyone can carry out purchases at any time without demanding courses or training and you even can place your order from your mobile. Once the approval and procurement budgeting processes have been set up correctly, MARQUET works with maximised automation, so that each user can deal with exactly what concerns them and keep track of just their own tasks.
„Each feature of the catalogue works with the others like the gears in a machine.“