One of the options how you can assess unnecessary assets and stocks, sell movables and real estate in an easy, safe and transparent way. In the current situation, when a large part of personal contacts have moved to the online environment, electronic auctions are the ideal and actually the most advantageous solution. Their use is a proven way to assess assets for sale quickly and easily.
We are ready to provide a comprehensive service connected with the sale of property itself in the form of an eAuction or we can cooperate on realization. Then we would take over the communication with the candidates, enter the subject, set up and administer the sale and create a comprehensive documentation after completion.
„If you do not need to sell anything at the moment but think about a purchasing eAction, we are ready to help.“
Our motto here at NAR is “We Love eAuctions!” This is why I enjoy my work here, and without going too over the top, it’s something like my vocation :) In eAuctions and the digitalisation of procurement generally I can see the future.
We’ve got a great team here and what we do, in a certain way, is to fight corruption by making procurement transparent, which is motivating for me and I know that I’m doing the right thing.
The best thing about working at NAR is my colleagues. We have a great team spirit, especially because people from several different countries work here and all get along well. I enjoy teaching English here, but it's also interesting for me because I can learn new things myself.