The most frequently used PROEBIZ service, consisting of expert eAuction support utilising the knowledge we have acquired over thousands of eAuctions. Our consultation service provides advice on the most effective way of using eAuctions for particular commodities based on our how they have worked before.
Multi-licenceMulti-licences are designed for holding companies or companies that are economically allied allowing each additional user to get a discount. The first company pays full price, the second one pays 90%, the third one 80% and so on down to 50%, which is the maximum allowable discount.
Central purchasingExpansion of the rights to hold eAuctions in one centre for several economically allied companies or a chain of suppliers.
TEMPLATESA library of three-hundred templates of the most successful eAuction settings for the most frequently required eAuction commodities.
BASE - The Shared Catalogue of PROEBIZ SuppliersThis three-tiered catalogue of e-qualified suppliers makes available information about a particular supplier to PROEBIZ users and clients.
Archive of eAuction casesA service for storing eAuction data after two years.