PROEBIZ TENDERBOX - modern eAuction solution

The PROEBIZ TENDERBOX is an extremely successful software solution which we have been perfecting since 2001. It is solution for tenders from the sourcing and selection of suppliers, through the dynamic comparison of bids (eAuctions) to the evaluation of bids and production of reports. It is a complete solution with high added value.

The solution includes 10 types of eAuction in 11 languages. In any given eAuction every user can work with their own language and also several different currencies.

The PROEBIZ TENDERBOX has more than 400 long-term users in both the private and public sectors in eight countries, half of whom have been using it for more than five years. There are more than 6000 registered, trained administrators. It has been used to carry out more than 200 000 competitions. 80 to 110 eAuctions or eInquiries are carried out in PROEBIZ every working day.


Meet the most popular eAuction software


We offer a two-month trial period under the BluePilot scheme. The number of competitions and administrators is unlimited, as are the amount of savings. The only fee required is for training the administrators.

Basic Training

Operating the PROEBIZ TENDERBOX is simple and intuitive. It requires just four hours training, a computer, and an internet connection.

Language versions

English, Czech, Slovak, Polish, German, French, Russian, Hungarian, Croatian, Romanian, Bulgarian.


Access can be leased for one or more years through the VAH (Virtual Auction Hall) package, where besides the software features the price includes all the usual services including updates, upgrades, hotline and helpdesk. This can be supplemented with paid services such as customisation and professional (procurement) support, amongst others.

Permanent access can be purchased with a PARK package. In this case the solution can be installed on the client’s own servers.


The PROEBIZ TENDERBOX has been attested for use in public tenders in the Czech and Slovak Republics.

proebiz historie


The idea germinated and was turned into the first few lines of software programming at the end of 2000. The first test was carried out successfully at the end of the summer in 2001. Since then, the software has undergone three major changes. Not until the third incarnation was the name used, which lost the dot in 2013 and became PROEBIZ. In the second half of 2018 we started using the name PROEBIZ as the umbrella term for our entire procurement platform comprising several software solutions and thus the successful PROEBIZ tendering solution has become TENDERBOX. This photo from 2003 pictures the former Industry Minister Miroslav Grégr and Milan Kaplan (the curly one).

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